Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WA: New Years Eve - The sun and the moon

To bring in the new year, we decided to watch the logger turtles come to shore to lay there eggs......But, first, time for a little celebration on a Blue Moon New Years!    We went up to the lighthouse, and watched the Sun set as the full moon was rising....It was amazing!   What a fantastic omen to start the New Year 2010!

Down to the beach to watch the huge logger turtles slowly making their journey from the sea to the beach.....

It was a long, arduous process for the turtles to climb up the beach.....Then, they would dig a deep hole to lay their eggs.  It was amazing - sand flying everywhere....I did not take pictures, as it would of upset the turtles.  We went down to look at their tracks the next day.

1 comment:

Michigan Dan said...

Hi Renee, this is Dan Meyers from MSU. How are you? Ran across your blog. It's great! Couldn't figure out how to email. Feel free to email me.