Monday, November 16, 2009

Another Mad Bike Riding Trip!

We are off on another crazy bike riding trip! But, this time, I decided to go with a group, instead of on my own, thinking it would keep me out of mischief! ah, but that were not true.....

We are off to Stratbroke Island for a bike ride around, lunch, tea and goo dfun. We were promised wide sholdars, light traffic, just 3 hills, and we hoped for good weather. Here's to wishful thinking.....

We hop on the ferry and away we go....

Here is the view from the top:

Some people are busy cleaning their trucks while the rest of us are busy sipping I am just trying not to get seasick...

Here I am, time to get a new shirt, that one is too small.

trouble looms ahead...look at those clouds! what happened to the nice weather?

As far as the wide road shouldars go, they were repairing the roads. And because no one bothered to check if there was a BIG FESTIVAL going on that weekend, well, there were buses whizzing by within inches of us, rain was pelting down.

I suggested that we bag the bike trip and go hang out with all the freaks at the festival! but, no one wanted to go for that suggestion - again, why doesn't anyone listen to me. and, trust me, there were hippies, and freaks everywhere! I am going next year! To heck with that bike riding. As for 3 hills, I don't know where she learned to count. there was only one hill. and it lasted the entire way.

For more about the festival, including a very long video clip, see:

ah, what lovely beaches on Stratbroke island...

Off go the shoes and the helmet for a well deserved rest...

We took a break to take a walk - look at this fabulous gorge! Ofcourse, we did not have time to actually COMPLETE the walk due to the 3 flat tires that our guide had..... i tried to convince the rest of the group to carry on and wait at the cafe, since our guide already had someone with her, but, no, they all prefered to wait in the pouring rain in the side of the road for about 45 minutes....No one ever listens to me...why, I ask? Why?

Here are some of my fellow riders, who have some how gotten ahead of me on our hike...

Time for tea.....

Oh dear...someone should of told him that a boat needs water....

Here is our return ferry...coming to take us back home...

Our chariot awaits...

Here is a glimpse of Morton Island on our journey back....

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