Friday, October 30, 2009

A Short Walk at Mount Cootha

I never pass up an opportunity to go for a hike! So, after my boss's BBQ (on 10/10), my ride home passes Mt Cootha. So, drove up the mountain, parked my car at the first entrance I could find and went for a hike...

Queensland is filled with flowers - no matter what time of year! How lovely!

This forest if filled with Cockatoos! They make such a racket! But, they are lovely! I just marval at seeing such tropical birds in the wild. And where I live! How awesome is that??

Another lovely sunset.....

ofcourse, this time I made sure I got back to my car before dark!!


Young said...

Great story mate, I was looking forward to reading the part where you would talk about aliens of the lost world or mutant farmers, but nothing... boooo

YankeeGirlInAustralia said...

That is in the next story... :-)

YankeeGirlInAustralia said...

Oh, I updated the bike story with a really funny photo of me.....check it out