Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jervis Bay

Welcome to Jervis Bay - a short flight from Brisbane, down to Sydney to see my mates, then off in the car, for a short drive 3 hours south, and we arrived at Beautiful Jervis bay.

Fabulous beaches - ofcourse, we are in Australia, what do you expect??

We got up early to take pictures of the sunrise....This picture is courtesy of Herbert.

Kangroo - just coolin' out....

We went to a nearby lake to kayak....

Going Kayaking with Kerri. Don't laugh at the shorts or the shoes....Since it was WINTER, I thought it might, oh, I don't know, maybe COLD??? So, I didn't bring proper clothes. Luckily, I got good mates. Shorts, courtesy of Herbert, water shoes, courtesy of Lady Lisa.

Birds having a picnic....

Washin' Dishes with Lisa.....

Queenie - (my nickname) being silly....

more silliness...

Our own personal chef...

Off we go on a hike....

This is an attractive outfit that I have on. :-)

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